페이지 정보
작성자 MSTHoldings 조회6,467회 작성일 17-08-03 15:00본문
당사 관계사인 (주)마이크로사이언스테크의 국제특허인
목단꽃한약재뿌리(근)에서추출한 천연추출물신소재가
매년 중국에서 개최, 수상하는 신소재부문노벨상이라 할수 있는
세계적 권위의
Ringier Technology Innovation Awards
공동주최 : Ringier Trade Media and its magazine HAPPI China.
Ringier Trade Media와 잡지 HAPPI China가 공동 주최한
2017 Ringier Technology Innovation Awards에서 “제품기술혁신상”을 수상했음.
(주)마이크로사이언스테크의 목단뿌리추출물신소재
Brand Name : BioCleanAct™ ┃ 브랜드명 : 바이오크린액트™
벨지움계글로벌기업인 Azelis는 (주)마이크로사이언스테크를 대신하여
모든상 부문에 걸쳐 심사한 60 개 회사의 99 개 제품과 치열한 경쟁에
Azelis는 공급자인 Micro Science Tech Co. Ltd (MST)와 협력하여 목단뿌리추출물인 MSK-NE150 제품에 대한 개인세정제품부문에서 “제품기술혁신상” 수상했습니다.
MSK-NE150은 스킨케어, 페이셜마스크, 홈케어 및 구강케어 어플리케이션에 사용되며 우수한 항 박테리아, 항균 및 항 바이러스 효능을 가진 항균성 액체입니다. MSK-NE150은 100 % 자연 상태이며
동양 대표 약초로 간주되며 장수와 번영을 도모하는
목단뿌리에서 추출됩니다.
Azelis wins another award for product innovation.
(Our Natural root extrect product code no. MSK-NE150)
Vist our web-site : http://www.biocleanact.com/neweng/index.htm
6 July 2017
Azelis has won the Product Innovation Award at the 2017 Ringier Technology Innovation Awards, co-organised by Ringier Trade Media and its magazine HAPPI China. Azelis participated amongst fierce competition with a total of 99 products from 60 companies being entered across all the award categories.
Azelis, working with supplier Micro Science Tech Co. Ltd (MST) won the innovation award in the personal cleaning category, for the product MSK-NE 150 which is an extract from paeonia root. MSK-NE 150 is used in skincare, facial masks, homecare and oral care applications and is an anti-microbial liquid with excellent anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-virus efficacy. MSK-NE 150 is 100% natural and extracted from paeoniaceae subspecies which are considered oriental medial herbs and aid with long life and prosperity.
As quoted by Ringier Events, the award is committed to “recognising the excellent companies which have made contributions for the advancement of industry through technological innovation, improvements in a product's efficiency, or creating a new marketing opportunity”.
Conrad Bucheleres, Managing Director Azelis China, comments: “We are delighted to win the Product Innovation Award as we were up against strong leading companies in our industry who had submitted fantastic entries. This award win highlights how as a team, Azelis ‘connects the dots’ translating market trends and customer needs into award-winning formulations. Ensuring a competitive and stimulating environment in Azelis China has enabled our talented and knowledgeable staff to win many awards over the past couple of years. The highly skilled team of Azelis China continually strive to meet local demands and deliver high standards of service and I am very proud of their many achievements.”
Azelis(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. CEO Jackson Chu,left and MST HODLDINS CEO Woong-Sig Moon,right(문웅식 대표이사/회장)